First Round of Abstract Submission Ends: Jan 15, 2025
Extended Early Bird Ends: Aug 30, 2024

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Paulette Clancy
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Title: Machine learning (Bayesian optimization) for reactive solution processing and "closed loop" materials discovery and design
Paulette Clancy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD Paulette Clancy is the Edward J. Schaefer Professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at Johns Hopkins University.She is the inaugural research director for Hopkins’ Data Science and AI Institute. She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and of AIChE. Since 2019, she has also served as the Chair of Hopkins Research Computing Committee, the faculty oversight committee for high-performance computing at JHU.Prior to this, she spent over 30 years at Cornell, serving as the Samuel and Diane Bodman Professor of ChE before moving to Johns Hopkins in 2018 to become the inaugural department Head of ChE from 2018-2023.Clancy leads one of the top groups in the country studying atomic- and molecular-scale modeling and simulation of semiconductor materials. Over the past decade her work has turned strongly into algorithm development in machine learning, especially Bayesian optimization.
Prof. Jia Wei Chew
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Title: Challenges in Fluidization Technology
Jia Wei Chew is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. Prior to this, she was the Technical Director at Particulate Solid Research Incorporated in Chicago. And before that, she was an Associate Professor in the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Her research focusses onenabling practical, cost-effective, green engineering solutions through in-depth mechanistic understandings of the intrinsic phenomena related to multiphase and boundary layer hydrodynamics. She has over 270 publications, ten patents/technical disclosures, and is on the editorial boards for various peer-review journals including Journal of Membrane Science Letters, Advanced Powder Technology, AIChE Journal, Membranes, Frontiers in Chemical Engineering and Scientific Reports. Her research has been recognized by various awards, including the AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) Particle Technology Forum (PTF) Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award in 2013, the Singapore Youth Award in 2015 and the AIChE PTF Sabic Young Professional Award in 2017.She obtained her Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Chemical Engineering from the National University of Singapore.
Prof. Jeffrey C. S. Wu
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Title: Solar H2 from photocatalytic seawater splitting by SrTiO3-based catalysts
Jeffrey C. S. Wu is a distinguished professor and former chairman of the Chemical Engineering Department at National Taiwan University. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineeringfrom the University of Pittsburgh, USA. He has long-term research activity in solar energy conversion, including (a) photoreduction of CO2 to fuel, (b) photocatalytic water splitting for H2, (c) photocatalytic oxidation of air pollutants and (d) Catalytic hydrogenation of CO2. He also serves as the editor of Catalysis Communications. He is the author and co-author of over 160 SCI journal papers. His h-index is 54 (Jan 2024).
Prof. Angelos M. Efstathiou
University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Title: Transient and Isotopic Techniques for Better Design of Industrial Catalysts
Dr. Angelos M. Efstathiou is a Professor at the Chemistry Department of the University of Cyprus and Director of the Heterogeneous Catalysis Lab. He received BSc from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece (1981), MSc (1985) and Ph.D (1989) from the University of Connecticut in Chemical Engineering. He has received several awards, and distinctions: CATSA (Catalysis Society of South Africa) Eminent Visiting Award 2019; Royal Award for Sustainable Technology Transfer 2008 (European Environment Agency); First Research Award “Nikos Symeonides - 2007” (Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation); and First European Federation of Catalysis Societies (EFCATS) Young Scientists Award (2001). He is in the List of Top 0.05% scientists worldwide in the field of Catalysis (ScholarGPS, Highly Ranked Scientists, 2023), and in the List of Top 2% scientists worldwide in Chemistry/Physical Chemistry (Standford University, report prepared by a team of experts led by Prof. John Ioannidis). He has published over 175 refereed international journal papers and 4 Book Chapters, and received over 10,300 citations with an h-index of 61 (Google Scholar). He has given over 40 Invited Keynote and Plenary Lectures, and more than 90 oral presentations at international and national conferences. He has collaborated and/or is collaborating with several companies: Linde Engineering AG, Germany (development of H2-SCR of NOx control catalytic technology for stationary applications); MEL Chemicals Ltd, UK (research on commercial ceria-zirconia based solids towards TWC applications); and SASOL Technologies South Africa Ltd (advanced mechanistic studies on commercial Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis catalysts). He served as Editor the Catalysis Communications Journal (2016 - 2023), and since 2012 he is a member of the Editorial Board of Applied Catalysis B: Environment & Energy. Professor Efstathiou’s research activities in heterogeneous catalysis are currently focused on the development of novel catalytic materials for the Dry Reforming of Methane, CO/CO2 Hydrogenation towards Olefins, Methanation Reaction, Low-Temperature NH3-SCR, H2-SCR of NOx, and Low-Temperature CO oxidation. Towards this goal, advanced in situ characterization, kinetic and mechanistic studies are conducted using transient isotopic and step-gas concentration switches coupled with operando methodology (DRIFTS-Mass Spectrometry).
Prof. Omar Chaalal
Title: A Novel Process for the Production of Green Ammonia
Dr. Omar Chaalal is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Abu Dhabi University (ADU). Chaalal is an internationally renowned expert in the separation technologies. He is the inventor of the EnPro Process that deals with the sequestration of carbon dioxide and global warming reduction. Chaalal has pioneered among others the use of seawater and ammonia to reduce the effect of carbon dioxide on the environment. Dr. Chaalal was the Chief Scientist of Enpro As. Norway, a member of Al Mobdioon Center of Excellence and innovation of King Abdul Aziz University (Saudi Arabia), an Advisory Board of IIB environmental Company in Japan and a member of the board of several Journals. He has authored 80 refereed publications, 4 European patents, 2 US patent related to smart material in Enhance Oil Recovery and 200 presentations. Dr. Chaalal was awarded by the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) a Medal for notable and outstanding research in Materials Science and Technology.
Dr. Lauren McHugh
Title: Controlling the Functionality of Hybrid Glasses and Their Composites
Lauren McHugh is a Lecturer in chemistry at the University of Liverpool. She received her MChem (2015) and PhD (2019) in chemistry from the University of St Andrews and was a postdoctoral research associate in materials science at the University of Cambridge, before taking up her current position in 2022. Lauren received the 8th Federation of European Zeolite Associations PhD prize for her doctoral work and was awarded the British Zeolite Association Founders’ Award in 2021. Her research interests span several fields and involve investigating the properties and applications of hybrid materials, including metal–organic frameworks and hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites, with particular focus on their glass forms and composites.
Dr. Valentina Erastova
Title: Let’s talk about dirt: from environmental sorptive materials of Earth to biosignatures in Space
Valentina is a Chancellor Fellow and a Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. The work of her group is dedicated to the development of molecular models and computational techniques for the study of processes involving natural materials and their applications to pressing environmental issues. Valentina grew up in Russia, moving to the UK to pursue her undergraduate degree in chemistry at Durham University. She carried out her master’s research at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, where she first used computational chemistry to study reaction mechanisms. She then returned to Durham University for a PhD working on multiscale modelling of diesel fuel crystallization. For her postdoc, Valentina moved to geosciences, where she began working on modelling clay minerals, later extending to other layered materials of industrial interest. Moving to the University of Edinburgh with the Chancellor Fellowship in 2019 allowed Valentina to start her independent research group. The group builds upon her previous efforts on modelling layered minerals, now applying these models to the study of extraterrestrial and early Earth processes leading to abiogenesis, while challenging themselves to predict locations for biosignature detection on Mars. Joining the University of Edinburgh has also spiked a collaboration with the UK Biochar Research Centre, which led to the recent pioneering work on the development of a computational approach for the construction of realistic biochar models. Valentina believes that science must deliver to our society at every level. During COVID, she founded the Scientist Next Door platform which linked local scientists and pupils. For this work, in 2021 she was awarded the Principal’s Medal for Exceptional Contribution. Valentina serves as an editorial board member for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A and regularly engages with broad audiences through public talks and popularisation articles.
Dr. M.S. Shadloo
INSA Rouen Normandie, France
Title: Will Update Soon
Dr. Shadloo is an Associate Professor, since Sept. 2015, at the National Institute of Applied Science (INSA), Rouen and a Researcher at Coria Lab. (CNRS-UMR 6614). Dr. Shadloo is actively engaged in the fields of (i) (aero-) hydrodynamics, turbulence, transitional boundary layers as well as (ii) multiphase, multi-physics fluid flows and heat transfer for the last 10 years. His expertise is mainly in theoretical and computational fluid dynamics (CFD), but has also been active in developing validation strategies and guidelines for CFDist. He aims to develop a new generation high-order coupled algorithm for compressible/incompressible fluid flows with complex physical behaviors, in relation to industrial applications. In this framework, he uses high-performance computing (HPC), high-fidelity direct numerical simulations (DNS) and large-eddy simulations (LES), as well as advance machine learning (ML) techniques to decipher complex instabilities and flow behaviors caused mainly by multi-phase and/or turbulent flows, with heat transfer and compressibility effects.
Dr. Cher Hon (Sam) Lau
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Title: Photo-induced chemical separations for a sustainable circular economy
Sam is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor equivalent) at the School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh. Sam’s background is in materials science, with particular focus on separation applications. He has been active in research on separation science since 2008. He is a graduate of Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Flinders University and The National University of Singapore in various courses ranging from Electronics and Computer Engineering to Nanotechnology to Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. His research has been commercialized in China and Australia. He has published more than 60 scientific research papers in journals such as Science, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, PNAS etc. His research has been cited more than 5900 times, resulting in a h-index of 41. In his teaching, Sam specializes in Polymer Science and Engineering. He has also been recently awarded an EPSRC Fellowship to develop photo-responsive materials for zero-carbon, zero-waste resource recovery via desalination.
Prof. Bo-Qing Xu
Tsinghua University, China
Title: Heterogeneous Acid-Base Catalysis for Valorization of Biomass Derivatives
Bo-Qing Xu has been a Professor of Chemistry since 2018 and Chang jiang Scholar Professor of the Ministry of Education (China) since 2006 at the Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China). He completed his doctorate in heterogeneous catalysis at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP, Chinese Academy of Sciences) in 1988. After working as a research associate at DICP for three years, he joined the faculty of the School of Chemical Engineering at Dalian University of Technology (DUT) and became a full Professor in 1992. He worked as a visiting scientist at the Catalysis Center in Northwestern University (USA, 1995 and 1997) and research associate at the School of Chemical Engineering in Georgia Institute of Technology (USA, 1996), and had been also a short-term visiting professor at UC Berkeley (USA, 2002) and Hong Kong Baptist University (2003). His research interest mainly focuses heterogeneous catalysis for sustainable chemistry in energy conversion. He has authored 260+ publications and owns 20+ patents. He served as an associated editor of ACS Catalysis for six years (2014-2019),and had been an EAB member of Applied Catalysis A (2005-2008), ACS Catalysis (2012-2013), Catalysts (2020-), Current Catalysts (2016-), Chinese Journal of Catalysis (2001-), Chinese Journal of Fuel Chemistry (2009-) and an international Advisory Board member of the International Acid-Base Catalysis Group (2001-2013). Bo-Qing Xu has received a several awards in China, including Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education (2009), National Award of the Chinese Catalysis Society (2006), Scientific Advancement Award from the Association of Chinese Chemical and Petrochemical Industries(2006).
Dr. Gao Jiajian
ISCE2, A*STAR, Singapore
Title: Oxygen-related Electrocatalysis: Understanding for Designing
Dr. Gao Jiajian received His Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from the Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China, in 2009. Afterwards, He joined the Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as a PhD student. His PhD research was in the area of heterogeneous catalysis (hydrogenation of CO and CO2 to fuels and chemicals), and He graduated in 2014. Later, Dr. Gao worked as a Research Fellow at Nanyang Technology University (NTU), Singapore, from 2015 to 2020, focusing on electrocatalysis research for decarbonization and green hydrogen production. Hereafter, Dr Gao joined ISCE2, A*STAR, in Jan 2021 as a Senior Scientist. His research focuses on energy-related heterogeneous thermo-catalysis and electro-catalysis, including the design and synthesis of catalyst materials and the development of in-situ characterization methods, thermodynamic analysis of reactions gas adsorption separation, etc. Dr. Gao has published over 90 peer-reviewed papers in well-known journals such as Chem, JACS, Advanced Materials, and Journal of Catalysis. He was also granted 6 Chinese patents with his collaborators. His research work has been cited by peers more than 13000 times and has an H-index of 45 (Google Scholar).
Prof. Takuya Matsumoto
Osaka University, Japan
Title: Neuromorphic physical computation by molecular networks
Takuya Matsumoto graduate in organic synthesis from Department of Applied Fine Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering at Osaka University in 1984. He obtained his Ph.D. degree with electron paramagnetic resonance of supersonic oxygen beam under the guidance of Prof. Keiji Kuwata from Department of Physical Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University in 1990. He was appointed as research associate in Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research at Osaka University (Director: Prof. Tomoji Kawai). His research topics were in the field of surface science of transition metal oxides including high-Tc superconductors using scanning tunneling microscopy. In 1998, he was appointed as associate professor at the same institute where he was in charge of the “Nanotechnology Center”. His main research was single molecule imaging of synthetic huge molecules and biological molecules using scanning probe microscopy. In 2012, he was appointed as full professor at Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science at Osaka University. Since 2022 he has served as principal investigator of JST-CREST project and coordinator of JSPS Core-to-Core program. His current interests are molecular electronics including in-material computation and time-resolved imaging of charge transfer in molecular systems.
Prof. Chun-Chung Liao
NKUST, Taiwan
Title: Experimental Investigation of Shape-Induced Granular Segregation and Dynamic Properties in Binary and Ternary Granular Mixtures
In the past decade, Professor Liao has focused on professional research in thermofluids and energy, primarily using experimental and numerical simulation methods to study granular flow behavior and segregation mechanisms. Due to his excellent research performance, Professor Liao has also received numerous awards, including the Distinguished Young Scholar Award from the Society of Theoretical and Applied of the Republic of China in 2023 and the Ministry of Science and Technology's Outsanding Young Scholar Research Program in 2021. In 2024, a paper authored by Professor Liao was selected as the Editor's Pick by the leading international fluid mechanics journal, Physics of Fluids. His 2017 paper was awarded the APT Distinguished Paper Award by the prestigious SCI journal Advanced Powder Technology. His paper titled “Density-driven sinking dynamics of a granular ring in sheared granular flows” was included in the 30th Anniversary Collection Special Issue of Advanced Powder Technology in 2020.In 2014, a paper he co-authored was selected as a Research Highlight by the leading international fluid mechanics journal Physics of Fluids (Liao, C. C., Hunt, M. L., Hsiau, S. S., and Lu, S. H., 2014, "Investigation of the effect of a bumpy base on granular segregation and transport properties under vertical vibration," Physics of Fluids, 26, 073302).In 2013, he was awarded the NSC Postdoctoral Researcher Academic Award. Professor Liao was invited in 2020 to serve as Guest Editor for the well-known SCI journal Processes. He currently serves as a reviewer for more than 20 internationally renowned SCI journals. He has received numerous awards for his contributions, including the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Outstanding Contribution Reviewer Award in 2017, the Advanced Powder Technology Outstanding Contribution Reviewer Award in 2017, the Powder Technology Outstanding Contribution Reviewer Award in 2016, and the honor of being the most contributed reviewer of Advanced Powder Technology in 2011. Professor Liao is dedicated to academic research and has published has published a total of 45 high-quality SCI journal papers (most as the first or corresponding author), with an H-index of 20.
Prof. Xianfeng Fan
University of Edinburgh, UK
Title: Will be update soon
Xianfeng Fan is a professor in School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh, the Head of Institute for Materials and Processes, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Professor Fan has been working onenergy storage, reaction engineering, particulate materials processing through interdisciplinary approaches, photocatalysis for environmental remediation, CO2 capture using solid adsorbents and solvents,multiphase flow in porous materials, pore wetting. He isthe Editor-in Chief for Clean Energy Technology and Application, andforJournal of Modern Green Energy, and an Editor of Journal of Environmental Management anda member of Scientific Council of the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre. Professor Fan received the British Foundrymen Award from the Institute of British Foundrymen in 2009, and 3 awards from Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, and China Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation. Professor Fan has received about £7.5 million research grants from British Research Councils, EU and industries,has collaborations with researcher/professors from 11 countries. He has been invited to give a number of plenary lectures, keynote lectures, invited talks at international conferences, proceedings, seminars, and to chair many sessions in international conferences.
Dr. Jun Young Cheong
University of Glasgow, UK
Title: Advances in nanostructured materials engineering enabled by electrospinning
Dr. Jun Young Cheong is currently a reader (associate professor) at the James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, since May 2024. He was previously a group leader at University of Bayreuth, serving both Department of Chemistry and Bavarian Center for Battery Technology. Prior to joining University of Bayreuth, he was a staff engineer at Samsung SDI, specializing on electrode processing. He received his BS degree, MS degree, and PhD degree in materials science and engineering from KAIST in Korea (2014/2016/2020, respectively). His current research topic includes the synthesis of functional materials, energy storage and conversion, and in situ characterizations. Jun Young has published more than 100 articles and holds numerous patents and patent applications.
Dr. John W. Ward
University of Liverpool, UK
Title: Photocatalytic Applications of Covalent Organic Frameworks for Sustainable Synthesis
John is a Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Liverpool. He obtained his PhD at the University of Manchester (2010) and has held postdoctoral associate positions at the University of Edinburgh (2010-2014) and the University of Bristol (2014-2018), and was Research Fellow and Theme Leader at the Leverhulme Research Centre for Functional Materials Design at the University of Liverpool (2018-2022) before taking up his current position in 2023. His research interests span several fields and involve investigating the properties and applications of covalent organic frameworks and the development of modular and flexible workflows for autonomous synthetic chemistry.
Prof. Kobe Man Chung Tang
Tsinghua University, China
Title: Deuterated Materials for optoelectronic applications
Prof. Kobe Man Chung Tang obtained his BSc degree in 2006 from the City University of Hong Kong and his PhD in 2015 from The University of Hong Kong. His doctoral research focused on designing luminescent transition metal complexes and thermally activated delayed fluorescence materials, as well as their applications in OLED technology. From 2015 to 2021, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the research group of Prof. Vivian Yam at The University of Hong Kong. In 2021, Prof. Tang joined the Institute of Materials Research at Tsinghua University as an Assistant Professor and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2024. He has published over 70 research articles and filed 30 patents in the field of optoelectronics. Additionally, he serves as a reviewer for several prestigious journals, including Nature Communications, Chemical Science, ACIE, and Adv. Opt. Material.