High-Entropy Oxide and Alloy Nanoparticles Synthesized by Continuous Supercritical Hydro/Solvothermal Flow Process
Conversion of waste to energy and resource: A chemical engineering perspective
Developing emergent nanoparticles as stable active catalysts
Structure and Dynamics of Soft Matter in Confined Geometry
Catalytic Shells
Low-Valent Metal-Organic Frameworks as Tunable Solid-State Catalysts
The Sulfur Story: An Influencer or Active Participant Tocarbon Surface Activity?
Carbon-Supported Catalysts for Food Waste Biorefinery
Transient and Isotopic Techniques for Better Design of Industrial Catalysts
Machine learning (Bayesian optimization) for reactive solution processing and "closed loop" materials discovery and design
Solar H2 from photocatalytic seawater splitting by SrTiO3-based catalysts
Let’s talk about dirt: from environmental sorptive materials of Earth to biosignatures in Space
Controlling the Functionality of Hybrid Glasses and Their Composites
A Novel process for green ammonia production
Neuromorphic physical computation by molecular networks
Heterogeneous Acid-Base Catalysis for Valorization of Biomass Derivates
Photo-induced chemical separations for a sustainable circular economy
Cavitation based approaches for water and wastewater treatment applications – fundamentals, progress and challenges
Oxygen-related Electrocatalysis: Understanding for Designing
Experimental Investigation of Shape-Induced Granular Segregation and Dynamic Properties in Binary and Ternary Granular Mixtures
Towards more efficient heat transfer processes for particulate media
Development of Hydrides-Based Coupled Systems for the Hydrogen Economy
Super Absorbent Polymers in Irrigation
Molecular sieving of gas through nanoporous graphenes: insights from molecular simulations
Special opportunities with a theoretical aspect in the field of mining engineering
Super Absorbent Polymers in Irrigation